"Green", a popular term for adding a little 'environmental liability for a life in vogue in recent times. In general, these activities include activities, alarm monitoring, such as recycling, installing more energy equipment and vehicles with a passenger, alarm monitoring, traveling by bus or bike above changes. Security at home can be very green, but also, and some of the best security measures is not required electronics and electricity. Planting of trees and shrubs whose natural mechanisms of protection make it difficult for burglars and thieves to do their work, a technique as old as the human desire to protect our territory.
In general, companies that are most effective in achieving these efforts with those thorny bushes. Standing by Bush as a cover for the property or working time in the window virtually impossible. There are some plants that are very effective for this purpose, some of which are listed below. BlackBerry Oregon is a good choice, depending on the region. This plant is equipped with a thick batch of nasty thorns. Anyone lucky enough to go to one of these shrubs in a very unpleasant surprise and can not be.
These shrubs are very perimeter of the property. They are also very nice, pleasant side to be developed. Rose, of course, are one of the most beautiful plants around. Planting rose bushes under the window, and not only decorates the yard, making the place where the forest grows very unfavorable to intruders. Consult your local nursery to see the roses that do well in your area, and make sure that the shrubs have long thorns. "Voodoo Rose" is highly recommended for this is particularly terrible.
Washington Hawthorn is another good option. This beautiful and luxurious, which makes it rewarding projects, gardening and put thorns Nasty formidable defense and plants, and property. Another good option is the Oregon Grape Holly. These shrubs will prevent you from doing anything, they are planted. If you live in arid and semi-arid environment, you have access to the worst of all plants, cactus. Even the softer plants, such as cassava, it seems, Wicked thorns, which can make thieves think twice before more dedicated to the window.
When working with these plants, be sure to wear protective clothing. Useful as they are, these plants are not able to distinguish between friends and enemies! Heavy nylon clothing and gloves recommended. If the thief in question was able to penetrate the defense perimeter of the green, the alarm monitoring is the best way to protect homes, alarm monitoring, . These systems are very affordable these, alarm monitoring, days, it costs about the same amount per month, broadband Internet, and provides excellent protection.
Which consume a small amount of energy in their work, but always ready to respond when the risk areas to protect homes, making green investments
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